Lysergic Ice cream






one pain free moment
2020-04-24, 6:47 p.m.

Weleda Skin Food is my dry skin miracle. All of this hand washing and alcohol wipes on nails, phone screens, computer keyboards has completely and painfully dried out my skin and nails. The other day in the supermarket, the carts were locked for "sanitation" during rush hour and All I could do was buy as much as I could carry in 2 large plastic bags. I couldn't resist ITO EN Golden Oolong on sale for 60 cents. Rona consumer racism is making all Asian food affordable. Lifting the bags at the cash register and to the car chipped 2 perfectly circular chunks out of my nails. If I don't cut my nails every week, they curl inward into hollow claws. I have had the work appropriate OPI shade "Berlin There Done That" on my nails for 2 weeks and it just started to chip. I only realized my nails were way too long when I couldn't really text or use touch screens. Texting a long convo is pretty exhausting. I'd rather just have a short convo or video chat and go to bed. I used to have patience for a 4 hour text convo.

I have to manually relax my muscles because of MS, so I do my best to avoid holding phones up to my face, or curling my hand around a phone. I manually relax my muscles with an amethyst sphere and acupuncture needles. Sometimes medications with acupuncture because the needles in the muscle cause the excitatory reaction twitch which fires off, then frees my muscle tension. It stresses out my body. Teaching pathogenesis of chronic diseases in Biology is starting to make me think I have diabetes. Or a case of springtime sadness. My immune system is fucking freaking out. My lymph nodes can't take the pollen and disgusting germs from my unwashed dog jumping on the couch. I would love to get her groomed but the groomer has rona & every time I wash her giant dog body I sprain something. I might need some type of chaperone and personal trainer to lift heavy things and train me to lift heavy things and prevent me from yelling at people in the supermarket.

I took a one hour break from writing this to put needles oblique to the scapula about .25-.5 cm in and spinning the needle. The pain predictably got more intense for 15 minutes and miraculously shut off. I feel it fighting to return but now its loose enough to use breathwork to release further. Now that I have 3 months of needles left, I have to order more to give it time to get here. 1 pain free moment. It's like a mindfulness meditation. I can't waste this moment.

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