Lysergic Ice cream






Birthday Etiquette
2009-08-09, 1:52 p.m.

I wrote a very interesting entry here on Thursday, but the internet ate it. That's not the first time it's happened. It happens a lot when I write something that's really exciting. At least that's my excuse for having a boring diary. So please forgive me =)

I have a question about birthday etiquette. If you get lost en route to your friend's birthday party and they can't tell you how to get there, should they try to find you, or let you continue walking in circles? Are you allowed to give up and do something else?

I gave up on my friend's birthday because she changed the venue at the last minute and I couldn't find either place. I walked with my bf in three different directions. When I called her, she said "this is the address, I don't know how to get there, see you later" So I told her "I don't know how to get there, Happy Birthday, it's raining and I need a drink." Then my bf and I went to a very cute Thai bar and drank lychee mojitos and bellinis. I didn't think it was too much alcohol at the time, but now I recall the mojito glass being very large. So large that the bartender gave us glasses of water and told us to sip them. We had a really great time, even though I didn't get to see my friend on her birthday.

At the end of the night, I found out that my bf had the internet on his phone and he could have looked up the directions, but he forgot and willingly walked for three miles in three different wrong directions. I believe that he did forget, because we walked for so long that we became sober. I don't think he would have lied and walked all around if he knew that he had the answer on his phone.

These are my personal rules for birthday etiquette.

1. Make it low key. Don't pick an expensive place, so people will be more likely to show up.

2. Don't make it a multiday celebration. Or no one will come...and they might stop talking to you.

3. Pick a place that is easy to get to. If not, make sure you know where it is. If your guests get lost, be sure organize a search party, not only is it courteous, it adds to the fun of the party.

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